But when you're a bag lover like me, who notices when bags are faux, it can get irritating. This morning I saw four fake Chanel Cambons; a small squishy black one, a red one (Chanel never made Cambons in red), a white Cambon with obvious plastic handles and another black one that looked like it was melting. It was awful.
I own the real Cambon and it's a beautiful bag; soft black calfskin leather in a quilted pattern (a Chanel trademark), long knotted leather handles, white interlocking Cs and the fuchsia interior.
It bothers me that these women don't know where fake bags come from and worse, don't care. They care about brand recognition; by being seen with a Chanel bag they have status and are seen as being "rich" and having taste.
But fake bags are the worst; not only are they made by children who work in deplorable conditions, but the sales of fakes are known to contribute to terrorist groups. If you want a nice handbag but can't afford a real designer bag, don't buy a fake.
There are so many options: Go to a consignment store where they sell designer clothes and accessories for almost half off; shop at stores such as Banana Republic which carry their own quality bags, go to a boutique to get a handmade, unique bag or you can try your luck on EBay (just make sure to get it authenticated on the Purse Forum.)
Even if you don't care about any of this and still want to buy a fake bag, consider this: People can always tell when you're wearing a fake and it makes you look ignorant. They look plastic. the seams fall apart and the material is crappy. In short, they look like garbage. Do you want to wear garbage? Didn't think so.
I'm so with you on this.
Times are tough, and in my town there is but one (really bad) consignment store. And the one time I spotted chanel there, the price tag was $700. Way out of my range. As a proud owner of fake vuitton which I picked up on the sidewalks sales of Manhattan, know one can tell the diff. I am truly happy for you that you can afford a $2000 bag, but $30 and under is all I, and lots of others can manage.
Well said, what most people don't realise that all illegal activity is linked, your fake Chanel could be profiting people trafficing! If you cant afford a real designer bag, a nice quality high street bag will look much classier than a knock-off. I can spot a fake a mile off. Before I could afford the real deal I would buy second hand or vintage, or highstreet. I would rather carry my belongings in a carrier bag that a fake - sorry for the rant LOL x
i can understand why women would buy fakes. they can't afford $2,000 bags and they like the design of Chanel handbags. If you were in their position and didn't have money, yet admired the designs of Chanel, you'd probably do the same. not everyone can afford $500-$3,000 handbags. i mean, that's like 6-7 months worth of food for most people.
You come off as a total snob.
you do know bags you buy in target are made by the exact factories that do fake right? and next time you go to gap, old navy and so on, check the tags of the country of origin and check how the company employs its factories. gap got busted not too long ago for its factories employing children.
and only two italian houses handmake their bags, most of them are done in factories,.
Like the other girls said people cant afford 2,000 dollars bag. Who gives a crap if it's real or not. People who brag about their new real channel bag are spoiled.
LMAO! That's so ridiculous. You sound like a spoiled brat, making fun of the girl down the street for having hand-me-downs. Just to let you know, most everything is made by people working for less than they should, in horrible working conditions. Not everyone is as "blessed" as you to own a REAL CHANEL bag. Lmao, sometimes i would do terrible things to get a nice bag like that, but Im glad that I dont, because I dont wanna be like you.
fake or real so what. who the hell wants to spend 2000 on a damn purse when you could get a car with that kind of money or pay rent or morgage either way the fakes are just as cute as the real and can hardly tell a difference. get over yourself.
You know what, you sound like a total fake. WHO CARES if people buy fake bags. And i'm sure you're one of those people that has no money and pretends they do. You think a woman with alot of money and 4 chanel bags would write a post about fake bags? that classy woman could care less. you on the other hand are a fake spoiled brat. so have fun spending all that money on your bag while me and my family enjoy a nice night out together at a restraunt or a day at a theme park.
Well I disagree with you..
Does suppressing the counterfeit market really bolster the sales of the originals. 99% of people who buy the 20$ knock-offs, will never buy a 1500$ original. So its not really affecting the sales of Vuitton. In the same way, a fake is easily identifiable. It fools no one. So why spend all the time and effort going after them?
And seriously if you are talking about factories and kids, like somebody already mentioned, they already make most of these things in places like China and India.. I know cuz I live in India..
Most authentic pieces have 'Made in China' tags..! Seriously..
Check out my blog, I have just written a similar story on fake pieces....
does anyone realize the irony inherent in buying a fake bag?
people covet easily identifiable designer purses because of the status they seemingly imply.
buying a fake status symbol makes said symbol lose all status.
trying proclaim to the world how rich you are by spending thirty dollars on a knock-off hardly seems to serve the same, if any, purpose.
if you are not wealthy enough to buy pseudo-uniqueness, at least attempt to create it.
altering a garbage bag into a personal symbol of your own style is more respectable then buying into the imitation of faux "taste."
Who in their right mind would pay 1000s for a handbag? People with the fakes have more sense. You're being ripped off.
that's very correct,if you can't afford signature and original chanel or maybe pradas and all don't wear fakes..looks funny that girls feel proud of their fake bags,if i see girls in a coffee shop wearing a fake bag and she feels that shes so classy but its really funny because even if you are wearing a nice clothes but wearing or using a fake bag everythings looks ugly,from your bag to your personality!!!!! so just buy a generic one from a nice store,,
You are like so a total hipster and fashion-icon-wannabe.
lol i paid barly anything 4 mine becuz its fake but it lookz just like the bag i realy wanted but couldnt aford idc mines fake? ... it still lookz cute dont be mad cuz you spent way tooo much on urs wen fakiez are just as cute!!!
love hannah :] ps get over uself
It won't have effect in actual fact, that's what I suppose.
I think people that buy fake bags may as well be fake themselves. If you can't afford a real one then why even get a fake. Buy something cute that YOU personally can afford. I, for one, would rather see a cute purse from macys or target than see a fake chanel or LV. To me, buying a fake is a desperate attempt at being "cool" or "fashionable". I also find it quite funny(especially when the person who has one is bragging about it but you clearly know its fake). I know I can't afford a 2 or 3 thousand dollar purse but instead of crying about it and getting a yucky fake one,I stay within my limits because im not desperate.
Oh and that "hannah" girl like three posts above mine is exactly the kind of person i think of when i think of fake bags, and is the reason why i laugh at people with fakes. trashy bag = trashy person. lol
You definately sound like a spoiled brat, well you'd have to be to type something like this. Who the heck cares if someone else buys a fake bag? People that buy fake bags usually know there are fake and it doesn't bother them, so it certainly shouldn't bother you as you are not the one wearing it. Did you ever think that maybe they like the design like I do, but don't feel like spending $3,000for a damn purse. I wouldn't spend anything over like $100 tops for a purse, even if I had the money to do so, simply because I'm not an idiot and can think of WAY better things to spend my money on.
Here is a tip for you: Don't worry about what other's do. Worry about yourself and keep blowing your money on those real Chanel bags that MOST people can't tell the difference if it's real or fake.
I agree with TotrillaGirl...total SNOB! Ugh...
Uhhh... who cares? If youre concerned with how other people spend their money or what they do with their lives, then you're pretentious.
Who cares?! Btw, they are just bags to hold stuff. As long as it is a well-made cute bag that is functional, it is A REAL BAG. You think you look smart when people know you spent $2000+ on a Chanel or $10,000+ on a Birkin? You look more stupid than you look "authentic"! Funny post....
Oh please...Who cares?! Don't you have better use of your time than writing these crap? Yes I myself have real Balenciaga, BV, Prada and Louis Vuitton..those "real" purses in your definition-only because I liked how they felt when I happened to be shopping, and I can tell you that I don't even have the time to care about other people's bags! And I consider women who can find good bags at much lower prices smart women --oh common they are just bags! What do you think you are talking about?!You think French companies don't hire third country people to make bags for them? Watch a Hermes documentary yourself. if you have the money to pour into "real" bags then you can just go ahead yourself. Stop being pathetic and mind your own business.
I know this post is old, but i just have to say , WHO ARE YOU OR ANYONE HERE TO JUDGE ANYONE??? Who cares if the bags are real or fake, does not make either better than the other person nor does it make one trashier than the other! This is just ridiculous! There are far more important things going on in the world than a stupid debate about designer bags!
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